Emotionally Focused

Let God transform your relationships

Our church leadership highly recommends Emotionally Focused, an online program out of Mile High Vineyard in Denver. EF is open to everyone, and many in our church family have benefited greatly from the program; some have found it to be life-changing and life-giving. If you have questions, Pastor Tom will be happy to talk with you about it, but this is how emotionallyfocused.org explains the program:
Emotionally Focused is about transformation — in our lives, our walk with God and our relationship with others. We believe God loves us deeply and created us for intimate connection with Him and each other. Out of this connection, we are made for joyful and purposeful service in the world, and this is what it means to be fully human and fully alive.
However, in contrast to living fully alive, at some point, our experiences create a narrative about how dangerous the world is or how hurtful people can be. Instead of living a life of integrity with authenticity and obedience, we find ourselves hiding from others and searching for meaning in things and ideas that can never truly fulfill us.
Jesus offers a better way: a transformed life full of integrity, authenticity and obedience. Emotionally Focused aims to uncover these truths about our past that prevent us from living a life fully human and fully alive. By focusing on the motivation of our hearts, we invite God to set us free to be who we are created to be.


Foundation Intensive  EF starts with a 2-day online Foundation Intensive helping participants begin to recognize obstacles from their past — emotional wounds, unmet needs, wrongly made meanings, vows, etc. — that hinder their relationship with Jesus today. This is where the transformation process begins, through teaching, contemplation, journaling and facilitated small groups.

Formation  Most people complete the Foundation Intensive weekend with the sense that they need more. That's where the 24-week Formation course comes in with a workbook and homework, weekly coaching calls (one hour) and every-other-week Zoom meetings (one hour). Participants build upon concepts from the Foundation Intensive, with a continued focus on first formation and obstacles preventing us from moving forward. The second half of the Formation series will focus on the journey ahead and who we are becoming. EF: Foundation Intensive is a prerequisite for EF: Formation.

Family  For those who want to go further, EF: Family (of Origin) is an 8-week course that helps participants understand and identify the different expressions of anxiety in families and the impact these may have had on them growing up. The hope is to use this information to better engage with family.

Mission  Beyond that, EF: Mission is an 8-week course where all concepts and competencies of Emotionally Focused will be applied to the anxiety of sharing our faith in Jesus, along with practical applications.

Upcoming courses

For information on upcoming course schedules, or for more details on Emotionally Focused in general, please click below.