Connect Groups

Get connected.
Build relationship.
Go deeper.

Plugging into a Connect Group

It's one of the best ways to grow as a believer in Christ, no matter how long you've been walking with Jesus. We need the encouragement that comes from doing life with other believers!

Check out these great groups and find your fit!


Missions Connect

Linden Kirk
3rd Sundays | Year-round
11:45 am-1:30 pm | Room 207

Do you have a heart for missions? This group is open to anyone who does. We hear from a different church-supported missionary or missionary family every month and pray for them, and we also enjoy a potluck meal together. We meet from 11:45 am until about 1:30 pm. Please bring a dish to share.

REVIVE: Parent Nights

The Krogs & The Mahers
1st & 3rd Sundays | Jan 19-Apr 6
6-8 pm | Community Room

Hey, Parents! Ready to recharge? Join us for REVIVE Parent Nights — an evening of fun, encouragement and connection, plus coffee and snacks! Open to parents with kids of all ages, REVIVE meets at the same time as VIVE. Led by Hannah and Alex Krog and Elisa and Justin Maher.


Morning Bible Study

Tom Severson
Monday-Friday | Year-round
8:15-9:15 am | Community Room

Here's a great way to start the day . . . meet with fellow believers for an hour in the Word! Allow God to unleash new life in and through you as you come to understand and appreciate the Word of God more deeply and apply it in your life. Open to both men and women.


Prayer Altar

Lila Bishop
Weekly | Year-round
10 am-12 pm | Locations vary

The Big "I": A discussion about how "self" can become too prominent in our lives and ministries. Through prayer, reflection, and time in the Word, we've been sensing the Lord's invitation to go deeper in surrendering our self-focus and letting Him take center stage. We have snacks after meetings and occasionally enjoy a meal together. Locations vary, and the meeting is also available on Zoom. Contact Lila for details.

Hearing God's Voice

Marnie Macke
Weekly except 2nd Mon | Jan 20-Apr 7
7-8:30 pm | Elgin

This group is dedicated to deepening our understanding of hearing God’s voice. Through prayer, biblical teachings and practical exercises, we practice discerning and delivering prophetic words that encourage, comfort and build up others. Whether you’re new to the prophetic or looking to refine your gift, this group is a safe space to grow together in faith and confidence. Open to everyone.


Claire Kruse
2nd Mondays | Jan 13-Apr 14
6:30-9:30 pm | Elgin

Crafts and conversation for women of all ages! Bring a snack to share if you can; minimal payment for supplies may be requested. Please RSVP to Claire if you're coming 847-494-9437. Jan: Embroidery, Feb: Framed nature scene, make a felted bird, nest and eggs ($15), March: CANCELLED, April: Fabric rope bowls.


Vineyard Choir

Brian Walker
Weekly | Year-round
6-7 pm | Vineyard Loft

Love to sing and worship the Lord? We're always looking for singers to join the choir. Come join us!

Young Adult Bible Study

Seth & Genet Payne
Every other Wednesday | Jan 22-Apr 16
6:30-8 pm | Elgin

Join us while we study 1-3 John. We'll read through these books as a group and discuss them along the way. Whether you're single or in a relationship, we invite you to join our community as we try to connect with God and grow in our relationships with one another. 


Covenant Study

Tom Severson
Weekly | Jan 23-Mar 27
6:30-8:30 pm | Elgin

We'll be diving deeper into our current sermon series on the topic of Covenant. There will be assigned reading and discussion, along with times in worship and fellowship. This group is open to everyone — both men and women.


Listening Group

Lisa Nelson
1st & 3rd Fridays | Jan 17-Apr 18
9:30-11:30 am | Location varies

We create space to receive from the Father’s heart through the Word, authentically relate our stories, and explore how God is inviting us into deeper connection with Him and each other. This group is limited to 7 people who are committed to regular attendance.
Meeting locations rotate; contact Lisa for details.

Men's Bible Study

Jim Hoeflich & Len Kruse
Weekly | Sept 20-May 30
5:15-6:30 pm | Room 207

Our group meets prior to Street Reach on the weeks that Street Reach meets. The study is open to all men, not just those who come for Street Reach. This season we're continuing to look into our heroes of the faith in Hebrews 11.

Single Women's Group

Tanya Smith Johnson
4th Fridays | Jan 24-Apr 25
7-9 pm | Location varies

Looking for a space to connect, grow, and share life with other single women? This group is designed for women 40 and older who want to build meaningful friendships, explore Scripture together, and create a space for authentic conversations and encouragement. Come as you are, and let’s build something beautiful together!


Vineyard Game Night

Chris Hunt
2nd Saturdays | Year-round
6:30-10:30 pm | Community Room

Big news! This group is no longer just a men's group — it's now open to men, women and teens too! All are welcome and RSVPs are required. If you love strategy board games, you'll enjoy this gathering. Please bring a game and a snack or soft beverage to share.