
We love Baptism Sunday!

What an exciting day! Everyone claps and cheers, and there are usually a few tears shed by those moved to see others following Jesus in baptism.

What is baptism? It's a public declaration that you are a follower of Jesus Christ. Going under the water and coming up out of it symbolizes the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. It's an important way to identify with the death Jesus died in your place and the resurrection to new life that He offers you. Baptism is the natural next step for the person who has committed his or her life to Christ, loves the Lord and wants to follow His example in being baptized. It's also an act of obedience to the Lord and an exciting time for the whole church family!

We usually offer baptism a couple of times a year; the next opportunity will be during our morning service on Sunday, October 13. If you would like to be baptized that day, we would ask that you also attend a brief baptism class on Saturday, October 12, at 9 am. Please click below to let us know you're coming!